Join us! Participate, Volunteer, and Donate
Our goal is to provide an inclusive experience where children and young adults with special needs can build confidence and self-esteem through adventure activities that stretch their limits, expand their true potential, reinforce their achievement, and connect them with diverse populations in their community. We create days filled with fun by helping kids take on new challenges in a warm, supportive environment. Parents can get a break, and let our passionate and patient volunteers step in. These dedicated volunteers can often help the kids we serve take major steps their parents didn’t think possible.
Best Day is not possible without your support! Our events include amazing kids supported by wonderful volunteers. This is financially feasible due to generous private, community, and corporate donors.
Please consider joining us by signing up your child to participate, volunteering at one of our events or making a donation.
Do you have a child with special needs?
We are frequently told that after participating in a Best Day event, children approach new experiences with an open mind and a can-do attitude.
We serve children and young adults with many types of developmental, illness-, or accident-induced special needs, such as Autism, Down syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, Muscular dystrophy, vision or hearing impairment, cancer, and spinal cord injuries.
We provide all the needed safety gear for your child so all you have to worry about is arriving on time and having a change of clothes, a camera, and any special food items as we cater to a wide range of needs and cannot meet individual food requirements. To learn more about signing up your child as a participant visit our participant page.
Our volunteers are an amazing group of people sharing their time, skills, and passion to make Best Days possible. Volunteers range from students to rocket scientists and everything in between. If you enjoy the ocean and good people, we’re pretty sure you will have a blast volunteering with us to help create best days for all. We have opportunities to help make a difference for just about everyone—no special skills are required. If you have some you’d like to share, let us know. We can always make use of skills, knowledge, experience, or talent.
Our volunteers tell us that they had as much fun as the kids and families they helped serve. For more information, please check out our volunteer page.
We are a volunteer-based organization. We are supported by generous donations from individuals, community organizations, local businesses and national sponsors.
When you contribute to Best Day Foundation you will give a child with special needs a chance to experience the thrill of riding a wave, and more importantly, feel a sense of accomplishment from facing a challenge. We hear stories after almost every event about what parents call life-changing moments for themselves or their children. You can be a part of creating these amazing experiences that last a lifetime with your donation.