Join the Local Community
Best Day Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit (Tax-ID 87-4526520)
Partnerships between local organizations such as community organizations like Rotary and Kiwanis Club, high school clubs, faith-based groups, local surf groups and surf shops make our events special. These groups along with in kind support from local restaurants and retails stores provide the grassroots support that makes our events so special. Along with donations, our community organizations and clubs will organize a group of volunteers to support an event. Each event brings in over 30 children and over one hundred volunteers from the surrounding community. We are truly grateful for contributions and the over one hundred volunteers that show up at each event recognize their importance.
If you are interested in financially supporting an event, providing snacks, meals or beverages or putting together a volunteer group to help out, please contact us at partner@bestdayfoundation.org